Ever wanted to see if my mug really was made for radio? Want to hear my nails-on-a-chalkboard voice? Harboring just a hint of schadenfreude, and want to watch me panic as my shoddily-assembled studio falls apart around my ears, like, five minutes into the video?
You’re in luck! Wes Goldberg of the venerable RealGM Radio podcast asked me to hop on last night to give my midseason awards. I was happy to oblige. (To get straight to the good stuff, go to RealGM’s brand-new YouTube channel, Spotify, or Apple Podcasts links here or embedded below).
As you know, I just finished writing about my quarterly picks, so the timing was perfect. There is a little overlap, but many of my choices for the year differ from my second-quarter selections. Plus, you get to hear Wes talk about his side of things, and the man knows ball. It’s a really fun, free-flowing discussion, particularly once we get into the quirkier awards!
Anyway, I need to prove my value as a guest, so please go like/subscribe/share the RealGM Radio pod/video everywhere and watch the YouTube video on every device and browser you own. Then, maybe I’ll have an opportunity to go on again!
Thanks all, and happy Friday!
Can we get a Mike Shearer mug so we can have Mike Shearer holding a Mike Shearer mug on a podcast that shows Mike Shearer’s mug